
Our Mission

The Jerry Loyola Foundation provides quality of life donations to members of the community battling cancer, supports local oncology clinics, provides educational support to athletes in the community, and supports local junior golf programs. The foundation holds two annual golf tournaments. The foundation works with local oncology clinics to support families suffering from cancer and provide funds to lessen the economic hardships.


Our Story

Jerry is our son, brother and friend. He was an extraordinary young man who left us too soon.  His life span of only 24 years inspired the creation of the Jerry Loyola Foundation, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non- profit organization. Jerry was an outstanding young golfer who also gave his time to help mentor younger golfers.  greeted golfers with a smile and his quick wit.  His cheerful nature was only matched by his fierce competitiveness.   


Jerry’s Journey

In June of 2007 our son began to complain of back pain.  One month later he was diagnosed with cancer.  After three rounds of chemo in Santa Cruz, we flew to the University of Indiana for treatment from Dr. Einhorn, the world’s leading specialist on Jerry’s cancer.  He performed a double stem cell transplant and Jerry was cancer free for 8 months. Throughout his entire battle, Jerry maintained his smile and loving attitude. Sadly, Jerry lost his battle on October 6, 2009.

About Us


What we’ve accomplished thus far

  • Given over $300,000 to struggling cancer patients so that they can afford to pay their rent, get groceries, and put gas in their cars to get to appointments.

  • Partnered with Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Katz Cancer Resource Center, Central Coast Oncology, and more to get help to cancer patients who need it most.

  • Hosted two annual fundraisers to raise money in order to continue helping our patients

  • Hand-delivered checks to those who absolutely needed it.

Our goals for the near and distant future

  • Expand service area to include South Monterey County by connecting to oncology centers in Salinas and Monterey

  • Increase sponsor list in order to increase sponsors donations that will assist in accomplishing expansion goals